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The future of transportation.

About Us


Imperium was founded in 2000 in order to discover a more efficient way to transport people and goods whilst being environmentally-friendly.

Why Electric Cars?

Electric cars are inevitably the future of the world. The global warming crisis that we are facing today can be tremendously lowered if the main source of transportation is powered through electricity. In total, exhaust from gas-powered cars account for more than half of the nitrogen in our air. Additionally, car exhaust emits ozone, particulates, volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides, carbon oxides, and sulfur dioxide. When these pollutants enter the atmosphere, they form into what is known as photochemical smog and acid deposition. These forms of air pollution result in many harmful health effects such as respiratory disease, reproductive complications, cancer and death. Photochemical smog and acid deposition also negatively affects the environment by corroding metals, eroding buildings and sidewalks, contaminating waters, killing marine life, and weakening crops — eventually killing them. By replacing these gas-guzzling vehicles, we can save the environment and the lives of many. Our cars, run fully on electricity, do not emit any of these fatal pollutants to the environment and are, in the long run, cheaper to maintain. Though it is a known fact that electric cars help the environment, some may wonder, “Will switching to electric vehicles benefit me personally?” The answer is yes. When comparing energy costs per mile for electric and gasoline-fueled vehicles, electric vehicles are shown to be much cheaper than gasoline-fueled vehicles by a high margin. Electricity prices are also more stable than gasoline prices throughout the year, because while both fluctuate based on demand, electricity can be generated from renewable sources of energy (i.e. solar, wind, and geothermal energy), whereas gasoline must be extracted from non-renewable sources such as crude oil or natural gas reservoirs.

Our Values

Customer Priority
Not only do we make it a priority to appeal to our customers’ needs, we also believe it is our duty to make sure they are assured that their purchase of an electric car is helping to improve the environment and that every action taken towards going green will contribute to the world becoming a cleaner place.
Although we do understand the limitations of modern day technology, we have fully executed our design to ensure the safety of our customers. Safety is the core value of our company, and we take pride and responsibility in it. With the help of our high-tech system and stable materials, we ensure that our customers are protected.
All employees working for Imperium have sworn to work honestly, ethically, and with utmost integrity. Every day, we are working harder than the next to create a sustainable social and economic environment.

Our Vehicles

Car 1 (Regular)
  • Cost: $80,000
  • Range: 390 miles
  • Maximum Torque: 295 pound-feet
  • Horsepower: 80 kW
Car 2 (SUV)
  • Cost: $95,000
  • Range: 530 miles
  • Maximum Torque: 320 pound-feet
  • Horsepower: 90 kW
Car 3 (Sports Car)
  • Cost: $315,000
  • Range: 1000 miles
  • Maximum Torque: 1000 pound-feet
  • Horsepower: 120 kW

Imperium Servicing

Imperium Service includes:
  • ~ Brake Servicing ~
  • ~ Coolant Servicing ~
  • ~ Brake Fluid Service ~
  • ~ Tire Rotation ~

Service Hours

Monday 8:00am - 8:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am - 8:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am - 8:00pm
Thursday 8:00am - 8:00pm
Friday 8:00am - 8:00pm
Saturday 8:00am - 8:00pm
Sunday Closed

To schedule an appointment with us, please go to the "Contact Us" section or click on the button below.

Schedule an Appointment

Beyond Limitations

Anything human-made has its limitations; that's why, Imperium's objective is to focus on ways to reduce them. Listed below are the top three limitations to electric vehicles and Imperium's proposed solutions.
NOTE: Imperium is currently going to the fullest extent to reduce the limitations; however, these are just researched-based solutions. We cannot guarantee the effectiveness of these solutions, nor can we guarantee that our proposed solutions will resolve the issues completely.

  1. Electric vehicles are not suitable for cities facing shortage of power
    By utilizing renewable energy sources such as the wind, sun, and water, cities can generate and store energy for consumers to use. These clean, efficient, and cost-worthy sources do not require large plots of land, allowing many ways to produce energy. Imperium’s environmental and energy team is researching and collaborating with local electricity providers to install power plants specifically designed for each city’s region and climate. For cities living near large bodies of water, such as Seattle, hydroelectric power is a far more efficient solution than coal-burning power plants or solar panels. Likewise, cities in Arizona receive a great deal of sunny weather throughout the year, so solar panels would be the best option. We are analyzing the climate of hundreds of thousands of cities across the country, and in the future, the globe, to provide the best for our customers.
  2. Recharge points aren’t as easily accessible as gas stations
    Currently, gas stations can be found within one or two miles of almost any location, but charging stations are very rarely passed by. Our company is collaborating with numerous gas station companies to arrange an Imperium-owned charge point at each gas station, so electric vehicle users can have stations at a more convenient location. Charging stations can also be installed inside the garage of the consumer’s house, with the correct wattage provided. Prioritizing customer safety, we also provide an emergency battery with each vehicle if an unexpected situation were to occur.
  3. The use of electric cars will increase a consumer’s electricity bill
    Although electric cars will increase the electricity bill, please acknowledge that gasoline prices would no longer be paid for. Electricity bills, on average, do not fluctuate as much as gasoline prices, because gasoline must be extracted from a non-renewable source! As mentioned earlier, Imperium is working with electricity providers to rely more on renewable resources. These sources have much higher net energy yields compared to nonrenewable sources, meaning they are more efficient. When there is less energy wasted during the generation of electricity, there will be more energy that can be provided in the service of consumers.

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